政策 & 程序


根据联邦和州的规定, 澳门黄金城赌城's 澳门黄金城赌城 Office is required to evaluate a student's satisfactory academic progress at the end of each term (fall, 春天, 夏季), 决定学生是否有资格获得下一学期的经济援助. Satisfactory academic progress evaluations will include all periods of enrollment whether students received or did not receive financial aid for periods of enrollment and include credit hours earned at other institutions and transferred into the student's program of study at 澳门黄金城赌城.

才有资格申请联邦, 状态, 以及机构援助, 学生必须同时满足定量(以时间为基础)和定性(以成绩为基础)标准.


绩点: 保持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.0.


完成比例: 完成尝试总累积学分的67%. 例如, 如果一个学生尝试了100学分, 学生必须修满67学分才能达到结业率要求.

最大的时间: Complete the requirements for an eligible program of study within a timeframe not to exceed 150% of the published program length. 例如, 如果学术课程长度为60学时, 有资格获得经济援助的最大学时为90 (60 * 150% = 90). 学生只能获得澳门黄金城赌城两个项目的经济资助.

注意: 补习课程将包括在以时间为基础的标准中,并限制为30个学分.


提款/滴: Credit hours in which a student receives a grade of "W" or "WF" are included in the number of attempted hours, 但不计入成功完成的小时数. 过度退学可能会影响你达到学业进步标准的能力.

不完整: Credit hours in which a student receives a grade of "I" are included in the number of attempted hours, 但不计入成功完成的小时数. “I”被视为“F”,这会对GPA产生负面影响.

失败: 学生获得“F”等级的学分, "WF", “R”包含在尝试的小时数中, 但不计入成功完成的小时数. 此外,这些成绩会对GPA产生负面影响. Students with failed grades may have difficulty meeting the satisfactory academic progress standards.

审计和不出席: 审计“AU”或从未参加过“NA”成绩不被视为尝试课程. 它不包括在学生的GPA或完成率评估中. 如果学生旁听或从未参加过课程,则不能获得经济资助.

重复的课程: 根据联邦法规, 学生可以在额外的时间内重修以前通过的课程(成绩为“D”或更高). 重修课程包括在总尝试挣时数中.

考试学分: Credit hours in which a student receives a "CE" is included in attempted and completed hours for the time-based standards of completion rate and maximum time frame. 学生不能获得“CE”学分的经济资助.

转移信用: All hours transferred and accepted from other institution are included in the number of hours attempted and completed. 除了, a student's maximum time to receive financial aid will be reduced by the equivalent transfer of credit hours towards his/her degree.


满意: 符合最低要求的学生(累计2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate) of satisfactory academic progress standards are placed on this status.

警告: 未达到最低要求的学生(累计2分).0 GPA and 67% completion rate) after an official evaluation at the end of a semester will be placed on WARNING for the following semester. 在警告期内,学生可以继续获得经济援助. 学生不符合连续警告期的资格.

悬架: 警告状态未达到最低要求的学生(累计2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate) or have not met the minimum requirements for two consecutive terms will no longer be eligible for financial aid.

最长时间范围: Students who have reached the maximum credit hours allowed for their program of study will be placed on this status. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at the College plus all applicable transfer credits are counted; whether or not the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence.

试用期: 成功提出暂停经济援助上诉的学生将处于缓刑状态. 处于试用状态的学生有资格获得一(1)学期的经济援助, after which they MUST be in satisfactory status and/or meeting the requirements outlined in their SAP Appeal Decision Letter as determined by the 澳门黄金城赌城 Office.

终止: Students on probation status who do not adhere to the Success plan that he/she was given will be placed on 澳门黄金城赌城 Termination. Students who have been terminated is no longer eligible for financial aid until the minimum satisfactory academic progress standards are met.


Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards will be immediately ineligible for financial aid. 以重新获得经济援助资格, students must meet the minimum requirements of 澳门黄金城赌城's Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards by enrolling for classes at his/her own expense.

Students with documented extenuating circumstances that are beyond their control may submit an appeal to the 澳门黄金城赌城 Office. 如果上诉被批准,经济援助资格将在试用状态下恢复.


Returning students are evaluated on a continuous basis from the first enrollment at 澳门黄金城赌城 unless a mitigating circumstance is considered. Returning students who were previously enrolled under an academic progress policy other than the current academic progress policy will be required to meet the standards of the current policy at the end of the returning semester.

The 澳门黄金城赌城 Office will send correspondence of eligibility status to students receiving federal and/or 状态 aid when SAP is evaluated at the end of the semester.


Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards have the right to appeal their eligibility status to the 澳门黄金城赌城 Office. Students with documented extenuating circumstances that are beyond their control may have their financial aid rein状态d if their appeal is approved.


  1. 提交令人满意的学业进步申诉请求表格
  2. A personal 状态ment explaining the circumstances that have affected academic performance AND what has changed that will allow him/her to make Satisfactory Academic Progress in a reasonable period of time prior to program graduation.
  3. 必须提交证明文件.

可考虑的减罪情况包括家庭成员死亡, 事故, 疾病, 军事部署, or other serious personal problems that were beyond the control of the student and can be supported with proper documentation from involved third party sources.


只有完整的申诉提交,与文件,将由财政援助办公室进行评估. 这是最后的决定. Depending on the circumstances, the student could be required to complete additional requirements (i.e.比如,找职业顾问或其他类型的顾问,限制招生等.),上诉才获批准. 目标是帮助学生回到毕业的轨道上. The reasonableness of the student's ability for improvement to again meet SAP standards and complete the student's program of study will be carefully considered. 上诉将被批准或拒绝. Students who have appeals approved will be in probationary status for the coming terms until full Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are met. 试用期间, 所有条款, 条件, 而且还必须满足缓刑的其他要求, 否则该学生将继续休学. 如果学术进步计划已被财政援助预先批准, 继续满足该计划的要求将使学生恢复良好的信誉.

All appeals submitted after the dates listed below will be evaluated and processed for the subsequent semester:

  • 7月1日 -秋季学期
  • 11月1日 -春季学期
  • 4月1日 -夏季学期